Subject Verb Agreement Rule 6

Subject-verb agreement is an important rule of grammar that all writers and editors must know. It ensures that the subject and verb of a sentence agree with each other in terms of number and person, which helps to clarify the meaning of the sentence and make it more coherent. There are several subject-verb agreement rules to follow, and one of the most important is rule 6.

Rule 6 of subject-verb agreement states that when subjects or objects are joined by a conjunction such as ”and,” ”or,” or ”nor,” the verb must agree with the subject closest to it. For example, if the subject closest to the verb is singular, the verb must be in the singular form. Likewise, if the subject closest to the verb is plural, the verb must be in the plural form.

Let`s look at some examples of this rule in action:

Example 1: My sister and I are going to the mall.

In this sentence, the subject closest to the verb ”are” is ”I,” which is singular. However, the subject ”sister” is also included, which is plural. According to rule 6, we must use the plural verb ”are” to agree with the plural subject ”sister.” Therefore, the correct sentence is ”My sister and I are going to the mall.”

Example 2: The book or the pen is on the table.

In this sentence, the subject closest to the verb ”is” is ”pen,” which is singular. Therefore, the verb ”is” is in the singular form. Even though the subject ”book” is included, it is not relevant to the verb agreement because it is not the closest subject to the verb. Therefore, the correct sentence is ”The book or the pen is on the table.”

Example 3: Neither the teachers nor the students were happy with the test results.

In this sentence, the subject closest to the verb ”were” is ”students,” which is plural. Therefore, the verb ”were” is in the plural form. Even though the subject ”teachers” is included, it is not relevant to the verb agreement because it is not the closest subject to the verb. Therefore, the correct sentence is ”Neither the teachers nor the students were happy with the test results.”

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement rule 6 is a crucial aspect of grammar that ensures clarity and coherence in writing. It dictates that when subjects or objects are joined by a conjunction such as ”and,” ”or,” or ”nor,” the verb must agree with the subject closest to it. Proper application of this rule can make a significant difference in the clarity and understanding of sentences.

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